5 Key Wellness Trends for 2022
Wellness is still very much the topic of discussion as global events continue to unfold.
What has shifted over the past few years is the overall trend of preventative wellness becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. More people are waking up to the fact that wellbeing needs to be actively nurtured — and that each of us can be proactive in our own health.
Looking forward, here are some of the wellness trends to look out for in 2022 and beyond.

Wellness Market Continues to Grow
The health and wellness market continues to thrive by an average of 6% per year. This market segment includes beauty and personal care products, health and wellness foods, wellness tourism, fitness equipment, preventive and personalized health.
At this rate, the value of the overall market is expected to increase by $1.39 trillion between 2020 and 2025.

Workplace Wellness is Expanding
The corporate wellness market is projected to grow to $84.5 billion by 2027 according to a recent Acumen Research study.
The majority of wellness programs are in North America, and the U.S. leads in workplace wellness programs. It’s likely because of the higher levels of emotional stress that North Americans experience. According to the 2021 Gallup state of the Global Workplace report, 57% of U.S. and Canadian workers reported feeling stressed on a daily basis — up from 49% the year before, and compared with 43% of people globally.

The Explosion of Telehealth
The global events of the past three years have spurred the meteoric growth of telehealth. According to a McKinsey report, telehealth has increased 38-fold since April 2020.
At its height, more than 32% of office visits occurred over telehealth. It has since leveled out to between 13% and 17% of visits over telehealth.
The growth in telehealth has helped many healthcare providers offer hybrid virtual/in-person care models. For many patients, it can mean a better customer experience, better access to care, and more affordable care.

Increase in Personalized Health
The growth of the wearables market and access to health data has helped drive demand for more personalized health and wellness.
Patients have access to their own metrics and they have the ability to be more proactive in their own self-care. Wellness apps can offer patients quick visual snapshots of whether or not they are meeting their personal health goals. With this information on demand, patients know whether they are ready to exercise, need time for meditation, or should get more sleep.
With the expansion across all areas of the health market, there has never been a better time to be in health & wellness. Whether your practice includes personalized health, testing, is in-person or hybrid, there are endless possibilities for growing a thriving practice.