For Your Practice

How to Create a Great Patient Experience

Patients will stick with your practice if they have a great experience. Here’s how to make it exceptional for patients.

For Your Practice

Should You Niche Your Wellness Practice?

When you became a credentialed healthcare professional, your degree made you a specialist in your field of practice. So do you really need to add a specific niche to your healthcare practice?

For Your Practice

Are Your Patient Communications HIPAA Compliant?

It is critical that virtual wellness services use HIPAA compliant communications in the US and PIPEDA requirements in Canada to ensure that your patient’s information is protected, no matter where you are treating them.

For Your Practice

How to Add Virtual Care to a Physical Practice

Millions of health practitioners shifted their work to include virtual offerings when they couldn’t see patients face to face. How does it work for a physical therapist or chiropractic practice?

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