Find Your Perfect Practice Model
For as long as most people can remember, the traditional way of setting up a clinical practice was to get an office and see patients in person. This real-world, brick-and-mortar, “knee-to-knee” practice model worked just fine for health practitioners for generations and generations. A sure-fire business plan.
But with recent lockdowns and travel restrictions, many health practitioners have seen their traditional practices upended in a matter of months. For many, it was a disturbing wake-up call.
Maybe more like a courtesy call from the future.
Several major global trends have already shifted and converged to shape and accelerate major changes in healthcare for years to come. Among them, a new mainstream focus on general health and disease prevention; rapid mass-adaptation to and adoption of remote/mobile healthcare technology; and continued growth of all forms of e-commerce, especially in healthcare and general health & wellness.
When we look back at 2020 from the future (with perfect hindsight of course), we will clearly see it as the moment when our global approach to health and wellness changed. And with it, the way practitioners and patients interact began to change, as well as the advent of new technologies to empower both and new ways of building financially successful clinical practices. And we will clearly see the opportunity.
With more change to come as the only certainty, wouldn’t it be better to act now and adapt to what is clearly already the next stage in the evolution of healthcare? And build a better practice for the future?
There is no better time than now to rethink your practice model. After all, you have choices when you own your practice. You can set it up in any way that works for you.
What is your future vision for your practice?
Grow a Bigger Practice
After the healthcare disruption that started in 2020, it may feel risky to grow a bigger practice.
However, with the right systems in place and tools at your fingertips, creating a bigger practice could potentially work in your favor. Integrating Well World into your existing brick-and-mortar practice can help you grow in ways you might not have imagined.
A Better Way to Welcome and Engage New Patients?
You can offer the Well World app to your patient when you meet with them in your office. Set them up with a nutrition plan and supplement protocol from your practitioner portal. Your patient can follow it and track their progress in their smartphone app.
You or your staff can use Well World as a part of your existing practice workflow. You will be able to monitor your patient’s progress in the practitioner portal as needed. The real-time data and reports give you and your staff insights into your patient’s behavior and will make it easier to give patients direct, clear instructions for staying on track. The data can also help guide any adjustments to your patient’s care plan you may want to make during their next visit.
Streamline Your Practice
Maybe you actually want to downsize your practice and become more nimble, or have more free time. Perhaps you’ve had enough of running a large practice and want to work more efficiently and be more flexible.
Well World can help you downsize and streamline your practice. Well World can help keep your patients compliant with their care plan between visits and act as a “coach in their pocket” — making it easier to serve more patients in less time and with fewer staff members.
The app helps patients stay compliant with your recommendations by enabling them to track their progress. The app also reminds patients throughout each day to take supplements, track food and lifestyle measures, and generally act like a portable coach in their pocket.
Add Remote Visits and Telehealth
Many practitioners had to close their doors to patients for months during lockdowns. Some practitioners pivoted and added virtual visits — or switched completely to telehealth for their practice.
Well World makes it easier to choose how you want to see your patients — only in-person, only remotely, or a mix of both.
It’s easy to set up a patient with a nutrition plan and supplement protocol whether you meet in person or virtually. Your patient can download the Well World app and stay on track with their care plan from wherever they are.
You can use the video chat feature in Well World to easily meet with patients online. The text chat feature enables you to easily communicate with and encourage patients between visits. Because Well World is HIPAA-compliant, you can be assured that your communications with your patients are private and secure.
Expand With Group Programs
There are only so many hours in a day that you can see individual patients. Once you hit that ceiling, you cannot expand unless you add staff or change your model.
Offering group programs through Well World can help you serve more patients and earn more revenue in your practice.
You can use any of the dozens of nutrition programs within the Well World library to offer to a group of patients with a similar goal. There are plans for cleansing, weight loss, heart health, thyroid support, and more.
You recommend supplements for each plan you offer, and can even manage patient orders through Well World’s virtual dispensing feature.
It’s easy to set up a group in Well World, and you can add patients to it with just a few clicks. The group chat feature will enable you to communicate with everyone in the group through text, saving you hours of time in communicating with each patient individually.
Set Up Your Own Perfect Practice Model
Your practice is ultimately unique, and how you work with patients, improve your care and grow your business requires a practice model that works for you. There is no one right answer, but as a practitioner, you get to make the choices that make a difference. And you can equip yourself with more knowledge and advice from others who have had lots of experience. One of those great resources available to Well World users is The Well World Practice Implementation training program.

The Well World Practice Implementation training program is available now for Well World practitioners only.
This training is presented by Betty Murray, MS, CN, IFMCP. She is the founder of the Living Well Dallas Functional Medicine Center as well as the CEO and founder of The Perfect Practice Blueprint.
The three video modules and worksheets will show you exactly how to set up Well World and maximize it for productivity, patient engagement, and recurring revenue in your practice.
Log into your practitioner portal, click the “Help” link in the upper right corner, and select the “Practice Building” link to access the training.
If you are already logged into Well World, you can click here to get instant access.