When you think about your best patients, what do they have in common?
No matter their health concern, they are most likely the ones advocating for their own health. They seek your advice and take an active role in their care plan. They follow your direction, and they are more likely to make healthy lifestyle changes that enhance their care plan. They are your real MVPs – your Most Valuable Patients. They can help you launch Well World in your practice and lead the way for many more patients to follow.
Given the right tools and support, your MVP patients can help you scale your practice. It can be as simple as offering them the Well World app for free.
Give Well World to your top five Most Valuable Patients to see how easily you can scale your practice.
It’s as simple as sending them an email invitation. Let them know that they have been specifically chosen to try out your brand-new app — and it is free for them to use.
To get your first pilot group started, you can assign the group a nutrition plan to maintain health, a preventative plan to ward off seasonal illnesses, or even a plan to address chronic conditions.
For example, patients with IBS or other gastrointestinal issues can go on the Low-FODMAP plan for 28 days to discover if food intolerances are causing their symptoms. Or patients with hypertension or high cholesterol can try a Healthy Heart plan for 28 days to help lower blood pressure and blood lipids.
For maintenance programs, you can offer your MVP pilot participants any of the starter programs like the Clean Eating plan or the Food Diary to help them bring awareness to their food choices.
Even though you may be giving away the Well World app for free, you can increase your commission income through supplement orders.
Inside your Well World practitioner portal, you can assign individual supplements, or one of dozens of done-for-you Designs for Health multi-supplement protocols. These done-for-you protocols have been created by Designs for Health experts, and work together to help address various conditions.
Well World makes it easy for your patients to order — all you need to do is assign the supplements when you assign the plan. Though not all of your patients may buy the supplements, it’s likely that many will follow your guidance and place orders. And you can earn up to 50% commission rewards through DFH for every purchase.
Even though your best patients are active in their own health, they still benefit from regular guidance.
Well World can be their own automated hea.lth coach — right in their pocket. Simply assign your MVP patients a plan, invite them to track their progress, and Well World will provide the rest of the guidance for your patients to follow your recommendations.
Patients receive direction and support through Well World via automated reminder messages and prompts throughout each day. As they track their food, movement, body conditions, and other metrics, patients learn new behaviors and become more accountable. And they will most likely notice positive changes in their health.
Even if you give away the Well World app away to your patients, you can still earn significant recurring revenue by dispensing Designs for Health supplements right through the app.
Show your gratitude and make your MVPs feel important by offering them an “exclusive MVP discount” on their supplements to kickstart participation.
And you can always confidently emphasize the quality and efficacy of DFH supplements, which are only available through clinicians. Everybody likes to feel they are special and being cared for.
All of the plans and protocols in Well World can be set up as self-guided individual or group programs that don’t require any extra handling by you or your staff. Your MVP patients can order their own supplements, guide themselves through the plan you assign, and track their progress. When you want to review their progress – the information is always at your fingertips.
If you want to offer some personalized support, you can message your MVP group through your practitioner portal or set up very limited, specific online office hours when you can connect with your group during their assigned program to check-in and answer questions.
Or you can have a staff member follow up with the members in your MVP pilot group for you. They can send messages to your group through the Well World practitioner portal, or individual text messages to each participant. Little things like this can do wonders to improve patient engagement.
The best way to know how you can integrate Well World into your practice, and how Well World is working for your patients, is to ask. The best time to ask them for their feedback is when they’re at or near the end of their program. For instance, some things you can ask are:
The more feedback you get from your MVP group, the more you’ll know how to utilize Well World to improve their overall patient experience with you.
And let’s not forget why it’s important to start with your MVPs. It is because they tend to leaders and influencers in their lives, families and communities too – and they will share their success and recommend you to others. You can even start a tell-a-friend program to give them another reason to share their positive experience with you and Well World.
Finding your practice MVPs is a great way to get started with Well World. And you can continue to expand your MVP group by inviting 5 more patients, and 5 more, and 5 more!
The more that you get patients to use Well World, the easier it will be for them to get better results, and for you to scale your practice with less effort.