In the not too distant past, patient clinical metrics were only available in paper files for each patient. And you relied on your patient’s memory to recall their own symptoms and progress.
Of course that has all changed in the new age of digital health care.
With wearable technology, smart health and fitness devices, and health tracking apps, patients are tracking more data than ever.
Well World lets you capture and view more of that patient data so you can see if patients are in compliance with their plans. And the Well World app becomes a mobile “patient-centric” extension of the care that you provide, offering patients accountability and automated support.
As soon as you log into your practitioner portal, you can see how many of your patients are in compliance with their plan as well as the percentage of patients tracking their metrics.
With Well World’s green-yellow-red stoplight system, You can also instantly see how well each patient is tracking for each of the metrics that you assigned to them.
If you see that your patient isn’t tracking with their plan, you can follow up with them with text messaging through the practitioner portal. Or you can have one of your assistants or health coaches as a point of contact to help guide patients back to following their plan.
What gets measured gets managed.
When your patients use fitness trackers and smart devices to measure their heart rate, sleep patterns, blood pressure, or weight, they become more aware of their progress in real, meaningful metrics.
And seeing the numbers increase, decrease or stay the same can help them become more engaged with their plans — and ultimately support better outcomes.
With Well World, you can have patients track their own metrics in between appointments and record them in their app. All you need to do is log into your portal to see what they’re measuring and if they’re in compliance.
The default settings of your Well World portal are designed to help you monitor your patients’ sleep, elimination, waist size, weight, and meditation minutes.
But you can customize and activate settings so that your patients can track these metrics:
You can save a ton of time if you “set and forget” your preferred supplement for each plan by going into the plan and customizing the tracking section for the plan.
For example, you might want patients on a keto plan to track their ketones. So inside the Ketogenic 28 Day plan, you could check off the Urine ketones, which would make that metric a default setting when you assign that plan.
If you want to customize metrics for each patient, you can do so when you assign a plan to your patient. Inside the plan, you can check off any metrics you want them to track.
You can have patients track many data points, but only look at what you want to see. Just toggle on/off metrics on your patient’s dashboard to customize your own view into your patient’s tracking.
When you’re ready to review your patient’s data, you can pull a real-time “to date” report of all program metrics for review and analysis by clicking the Report button in the portal.
Reports can provide measurements against goals and other data so that you can get better insights into your patient’s progress, challenges and compliance.