03 Elements of the sales page

Elements of the sales landing page

Whenever you want someone to take a specific action, you want to limit their choices. In this case, we want them to buy or leave.

Ideally, you want to remove the navigation menu and any other link that’s going to go somewhere other than the order form or add to cart (however you’ve structured your buying process). 

Grab the class PDF and follow along. I’ve also provided you with our first completed worksheet – so you can see real answers that someone else provided (this was used in two of the landing page examples listed below).

What Makes a Great Landing Page?

In general, a great landing page includes:

  • A strong hero section that includes your main program and/or transformation
  • A subheading that clarifies the program and/or transformation
  • Information about the program offer and transformation
  • An image, video, or illustration that supports the offer
  • A “call to action” or CTA where the user can purchase

You might also include social proof, such as reviews or testimonials from past patients/clients.

The exact design, however, depends on your program and software. The examples provided are built on LeadPages.

Some things to ask yourself:

What do I want to accomplish with my landing page?
Your most common options are:

  • Getting people to fill out a form for more information.
  • Directly selling a short “entry” program
  • Directly selling a longer-term program (more expensive)
  • Directly selling a recurring payment program (a monthly subscription).

We’ve been focusing on selling a program. 

SECTION 1: Top / Hero 

This is also known as the header or “above the fold” – This is the first area that someone is going to see.

Your objective is to connect. This is the “first impression” section of your page. Even more than that, this is where you establish empathy:

You declare their problem so that they’re thinking “Yes, that’s right! That’s my problem.” You also prompt them to learn more (this is a call to action). An inspirational “hero” image is often used to illustrate the headline.

Refer to your Program Worksheet: What problem does your program solve?

Write out a story that describes their problem.

SECTION 2: The Problem Explained

Reassure your reader that what they’re going through isn’t their fault and explain why. It could be misinformation. It could be that they didn’t know what they didn’t know.

Describe how their problem isn’t their fault.

Next, tell them that you have the solution that’s going to take them from “Problem” to “Better,” and all they have to do is sign up and join the program (this is another call to action).

Describe the transformation.

SECTION 3: List the Benefits

“At the end of the program, you’ll feel….”

List the benefits to your patients who sign up.

And then ASK them how that sounds.

Is that something they want to feel?

SECTION 4: List the Features

How are they going to get that amazing transformation? What steps are involved in the program?

And then ASK them how that sounds.

Is that something they CAN COMMIT TO?

List the detailed features.

Clients get:

  • x hours with me per week for _______________
  • x hours with me per week for ________________
  • A nutrition plan designed for your needs to support you through the first 30 days
  • Access to the best supplements recommended in order to provide specific support during your first 30 days
  • Weekly challenges to grow your fitness and mindset
  • Progress tracking using the Well World app.
  • Text and/or video chat support
  • Access to a private group for community support?
  • Access to classes?

Access to other content?

SECTION 5: Overcome Objections

Overcome the objections — time and cost.

Next, you may provide them with a small example of something they may already be doing in their life that’s sabotaging any progress in their health, and if they substitute THIS for THAT, they’ll be on the road to feeling the BENEFITS you listed above.

What small TIME commitment substitution could the client make to get on this path?

For example, maybe it’s about the time spent watching Netflix? Or is it about 30 minutes of social media that could be put to better use?

What MONEY substitutions can the patients make to create a sense of affordability with your program?

Calculate the daily price and come up with some creative things that they might be spending that money on currently.

For example: “For the price of a fancy frappuccino you could get…”

List price.

For all that, it’s just one low price of: $xxx

Call to action (CTA).

Add a call to action to sign up now.

SECTION 6: Testimonials & Social Proof

If you have reviews or testimonials, this is a great place to list them. This provides proof that you, as an expert, know what you’re doing, that you’ve helped other people just like them, and that you’re amazing.

If we get really picky here, ideally these reviews will overcome any objection that someone would have in signing up (like the time commitment or the price — the two reasons that people will say “not right now.”)

List some of your best reviews/testimonials.

SECTION 7: Add Urgency & FOMO

 SECTION 7: Add Urgency & FOMO

If your patients are on the fence and thinking, “not right now,” what is the worst thing that could happen to them?

If they continue not hiring you, how will their lives deteriorate? Circle back to the opening section where you described their problem. How will that get worse?

LIST: What LOSS would your client incur by NOT signing up with you today?

Go ahead and be a little dramatic, have fun with it.  Ex.  “Don’t let that happen to you, sign up today.”

Describe the transformation again.

Envision the transformation: ask the client to truly see themselves living their new life AFTER your program:

LIST: Detail how a client’s new life after your program looks.

LIST PRICE: For all that, it’s just one low price of: $xxx

FINAL CALL TO ACTION: Include a button to Sign up Now!

Thank You Page

In addition to a sales landing page, it’s wise to have a ‘thank you’ or success page, where your patients land after they purchase.

If you don’t, that’s ok. It’s something you can work toward.

Elements to have on your ‘thank you’ page:

  • Thank them for their purchase and explain their next steps
  • Check inbox for an Welcome Email to download their own mobile app and plan
  • Download the app
  • Join a social community group (if you’re having one).
  • Anything they need to get or do before the program start date.

What next?

Once your page is done, you need to:

  • TEST — You need to complete a successful test of links, purchase, promo codes – anything that this page promises to be or does for your patients, you need to test before you show them.
  • TROUBLESHOOT — Have a troubleshooting strategy in place.
  • REVIEW — Read it through again with an objective eye, or ask a trusted friend or client. How does it feel to you? Would you sign up?

Even though we’ve given you a basic sales landing page outline, if it doesn’t read well you can move things around.

You’re the boss of your program — do what feels right to you.