01 Class 1 Program Models

What Program Models Can I Create?

First, there’s no right or wrong answer. 

You may have a problem you’re trying to solve in that patients aren’t buying the supplements that you’ve been prescribing. 

Perhaps you want to streamline the buying process for your patients, so they only have to make one purchase. 

You may want to try both models to see which is more successful for your practice.  


In this program model, you set ONE PRICE that combines both your fee for service AND the price of the supplements that go with the plan. 

Your patient pays YOU one time, and you then have to make sure they receive their supplements. 

Since they’ve already paid you, you must go to DFH and order them for your patient using THEIR shipping address. They’ll receive their supplements. 


  • Your patient only has to make one purchase. 
  • Your patient is receiving the supplements that you’re recommending.


  • You have an extra manual step of ordering the supplements. 
  • You need to capture and keep track of your patient’s shipping address


In this program model, you set your price for YOUR FEES. Your patient purchases from you, and they must make a second purchase to order their supplements. 


You can rely more on automation using this model.


  • Your patient is inconvenienced by making two purchases. 
  • Your patient may not purchase the supplements and thereby may not receive the best outcomes from your program. 

You Can Test and Compare

You can run a side-by-side test to see which model works the best for you. 

Some questions you may want to ask yourself:

  • Am I providing good service to my patients? 
  • Am I generating enough revenue with this program? 
  • Can I scale this model? In other words, if I get 200 sign-ups, can I manage this? 
  • How can I streamline the process? (Please look at Zapier as a helper to offload some of the manual labor)