You want to grow your practice and help more patients. But everyone has the same number of hours in a day, and there are only so many patients you can serve at one time.
That’s why launching group programs can help.
Nutrition challenges, cleanses, and detox plans – ranging anywhere from 7 to 28 days – can give your patients a jump start on their health goals. And they can also support your own business goals by helping you reach more people at one time, and boosting your earnings without adding extra hours to your busy schedule.
Creating a group program may feel daunting. But they can actually take less effort than you think when you use the right tools to run them.
Here are five ways offering group programs will help:
One of the greatest advantages of launching a group program is that you can help more patients with similar goals without having to increase your workload.
You might start with a kickoff session, where you introduce the program and offer time for Q&A. This can be one online with a web conferencing program like Zoom or GotoMeeting/GotoWebinar. In one 90-minute group session, you can take care of dozens of patients in the same amount of time that you might spend with just one individual patient.
Then, you can save even more time by using Automated Reminders to support all the group members simultaneously through the Well World app. Write messages in your own style and voice that can be delivered each day. As each message pops up through the app, your patients will feel like you are with them on the journey.
If you want to support your group with text messaging, you can communicate with the whole group at once, just by sending one group chat message through your practitioner portal. Instead of receiving individual messages, you’ll see them all in one place.
Many patients have better results and outcomes when they participate in group coaching sessions. That’s because the positive peer pressure in a group setting can help clients feel more committed to achieving their health goals.
You can offer a few online Q&A sessions with live coaching to support your patients through their program. While they get supported, they are also recommitting to their health goal every time that they show up in your sessions.
You could add more value by creating a private forum through your website or through Facebook. If your group becomes very active, you may start seeing patients supporting each other—answering each other’s questions, congratulating other members when they reach specific goals, commiserating when issues pop up.
With group programs, you can dramatically increase the number of patients you serve at one time, and earn more per hour than you do with individual patients.
For example, you could have an individual patient that pays you $2,000 for a month of one-on-one sessions, your program, and your supplement package. But instead, you launch a 28-day group challenge, and you get 50 people to sign up at $397 per person for your group coaching sessions, program and supplement package.
For the same number of hours, you could make 10 times the income while supporting 49 more patients at once. Running successful groups is obviously a huge opportunity for every practitioner.
Group programs can feel like a big undertaking because of all of the materials that you need to provide. Whether you choose to do a 7-day challenge or a 28-day reset, your patients will want to know exactly what they need to do to succeed, which means you need to offer:
But you don’t need to reinvent the wheel! You can use a done-for-you program designed by nutrition professionals to launch your first group program.
The Well World app comes pre-loaded with a library of done-for-you plans — from clean-eating to low sugar, and from Mediterranean to Paleo, AIP and Keto — designed by nutritionist Isabel Smith, R.D., with all of the elements you need for a successful program.
Cleanses and detoxes are so popular because clients see their results quickly. Once clients feel the shift in their energy and moods, and see the numbers on the scale notch down, they are likely to stay motivated to keep going on their health journey.
But getting clients on board with prepping all of their own meals for a detox program can be challenging if they’re not used to cooking. Meal replacement shakes, detox supplements, and digestive formulas can help clients stay energized and nutritionally balanced while reducing calorie intake.
And the VegeCleanse Plus is one of the Done-For-You plans in Well World . ..
With a done-for-you supplement cleanse kit, you can improve the chances of your clients succeeding during the challenge. And you’ll also increase your income with commissions from every kit that you sell.